Sunday, April 29, 2012

Flame Box Elder Bowl

Just finished a sweet little, 5" diameter bowl in Flame Box Elder.  It is already promised, but I have a bit more of this wood, so stay tuned!


  1. Beautiful. I also work with Flame Elder turnings. However, I have not found a finish that doesn't yellow the whites. Would you mind sharing what you use to keep the white wood so clean, yet bring up the reds? I'd appreciate the benefit of your experience.


  2. Thank you, Roy. There seems to be quite a difference in various box elder logs, with some more red/white than others. Some pieces I have done have appeared muddy with Danish Oil on them. Others retain their colors better no matter what they are coated with. This piece got one light coat of Danish Natural Oil, then Carnuba wax buffed to a shine. If you want a more clear finish, you might try General's Wood Turners Finish ( I just really think the deciding factor is the wood itself before adding a finish.

    1. Thanks very much. I have an unopened bottled of the General product so this is the time to try it. I'm working with a natural edge bowl where the "whites" are almost like Holly. I'll try the finish you recommend--it will be a good learning experience.

      I appreciate the reply.

  3. You're welcome. I hope it does well for you.


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