Sunday, April 29, 2012

Flame Box Elder Bowl

Just finished a sweet little, 5" diameter bowl in Flame Box Elder.  It is already promised, but I have a bit more of this wood, so stay tuned!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Desk Clocks

I had a few pieces of showy wood I didn't know quite what to do with, and decided on these:

I think they turned out rather well, and now I'm plotting how to do more.
The top photo is Big Leaf Maple Burl, about 8" tall and 11-1/2" wide.
The bottom one is some kind of unknown Pine, with a brilliant red, flame-grained surface when oiled. It is 10" tall and 4-1/2" wide at the base.  Each has a clock face of 1-3/8", large enough to read close by on a desk top, and small enough to show off these flashy woods.

The tall pine clock is available at my Etsy website:  BarbS Woodworks
The maple burl clock is on Desk Accessories on my main website.